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to Engage The Mind

Always Know Your Why
So many people reference survivors and how strong they must be. Yet strength is only part of it. An ability to be mindful, to dance with the full circle of emotions that arise from adversity, to process feelings of discomfort, to lean on another for support and to deeply attune with your own inner-truths are the qualities that make you resilient. In this you can do more than just survive. You can thrive.
When you awake, take a moment to quietly experience the space. Open your minds’ eye with the curiosity of a child to see what is available to you. Take in your potential. It’s okay to spend a moment reflecting on the past – its successes and its struggles. Just don’t spend too long in that moment. Placing boundaries around the fear and sadness will keep you from falling down too low to be able to pick yourself back up. Find something process-oriented to keep your mind and body moving. Remember that the process is often more important than the result.
Resilience doesn’t emerge from naiveté. It’s not about seeing the glass half empty or half full – it’s about seeing the glass and discovering creative ways to use it. Positivity is okay – yet also welcome the strengthening wisdom that washes over you through adversity. March 2019
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The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday
The past few years have been very challenging FOR many – including me. As I was getting ready for a coaching session this morning and thinking of my birthday – another VERY challenging year ahead – I came across a “challenge coin” given to me when I was facilitating a military transition class in San Diego years ago.
I mean I was looking for something else entirely and at the bottom of this glass container next to very special rocks and shells I gathered when living and working in CA – there it was. The gentleman who gave to me was so solemn for most of the week when I was in training. He was huge – smart and almost scary to me. He did not answer most questions – resisted some of the work and stared at me – very directly. So at first I decided to avoid “pushing” him (in a caring way of course) as I often did others. And then I had to ask myself – why was I doing this work? (Certainly not the pay – it was a nonprofit after-all.)
I was doing this because I believe everyone deserves the chance to transition from one chapter in their life to another with dignity and purpose – and especially when it came to service members. I had a calling and that meant I had to spread my energy and effort equally – even if I had been a bit intimidated.. So…
I decided he deserved the same support and care that ALL do – and I pushed him – just a bit harder. When the course ended…
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